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Stacey Dash: I wish we could go back to Mad Men days. I love those days

dash book

Stacey Dash has a new book, There Goes My Social Life. The book is about her life as an African-American actress-turned-conservative pundit, although I’m using all of those words very loosely. Dash has gotten a lot of attention in the past four years or so, especially after she endorsed Mitt Romney in 2012, then became a Fox News contributor, then gave many, many nonsensical interviews about her conservative beliefs. Just my opinion: Dash is ridiculously ineffective as a spokesperson for her “conservative” beliefs, but because she’s an attractive black woman, conservative media uses her to parrot their agenda. To promote the book, Dash has given a series of terrible interviews to People Magazine and Entertainment Tonight. In the interviews and in her book, Dash details some legit tragedies in her life, like drug addiction, being the victim of molestation, and being physically assaulted as a young woman. She also shares some rather terrible ideas. Some highlighted quotes from those interviews:

She was a drug addict & that’s why she hates welfare programs: “When you get stuff for free, you have no self-worth. When you have no self-worth, you become depressed, addicted and either abused or an abuser. This is what perpetuates the cycle of violence in inner cities. We don’t need free stuff. We need opportunities. When I say there should not be a BET channel or a Black History Month, I’m saying we deserve more. I just hope people understand that I’m not judging; I’m coming from experience.”

Hollywood blacklisting: “I’ve been blacklisted in Hollywood. My agency dropped me because of my politics. They told me that when they pitched me, casting directors would say, ‘We give you credit for pitching her with a straight face.’ It makes me so angry. Republicans in Hollywood hide. I’m challenging them to stand up and have courage. I won’t be scared into submission.”

She’s going to run for president one day: “I’m going to run for president one day. I had a dream about 15 years ago that I was siting on the lawn of the White House, having a picnic with my family. That’s what I’m going for.”

On letting transgender people use whichever bathroom they want: “It’s tyranny by the minority. Why do I have to suffer because you can’t decide what you wanna be that day? It’s your body! So, it’s your decision, right? We all make choices. OK, then go in the bushes. I don’t know what to tell you, but I’m not gonna put my child’s life at risk because you want to change a law. So that you can be comfortable with your beliefs — which means I have to change my beliefs and my rights? No.”

On feminism: “I can look like I look and use all the tools in my toolbox, be a stay-at-home mother and a wife and be a feminist or be a CEO of a company and wear a dress and show my legs and whatever God gave me and be a feminist. I don’t have to dress like a man or try to beat a man or try and get a man’s job to be a feminist. What we’re doing is we’re chipping away at what it is to be a woman and to be feminine. And what it is to be a man and be masculine. We’re chipping away at that. I wish we could go back to Mad Men days. I love those days. Men were men. And I love them.”

[From People Magazine & Us Weekly]

When men were men and black folks couldn’t vote because of Jim Crow laws. You know, the good old days when no one would have pretended to care what Stacey Dash has to say because she literally would have had no power or no voice in that kind of society. As for Stacey being blacklisted in Hollywood… it’s tricky, because I bet there are some people who don’t want to work with Dash just because of her politics. But I bet the overwhelming majority of people don’t want to work with her because she’s a homophobe, a transphobe and an apologist for some of the worst policies and politics in America. Also: what she said about trans people is disgusting. I understand that she’s framing it as the victim of molestation, but there is simply no correlation.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
