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S.W.A.T. Recap 03/06/22: Season 5 Episode 12 Provenance

S.W.A.T. Recap 03/06/22: Season 5 Episode 12 "Provenance"

Tonight on CBS their new show S.W.A.T. inspired by the television series and feature film airs with an all-new Sunday, March 6, 2022, episode, and we have your S.W.A.T. recap below. On tonight’s S.W.A.T. season 5 episode 12 called “Provenance,” as per the CBS synopsis, “After an armed robbery crew invades a downtown auction house, the case quickly turns personal for Hondo when his sister, Winnie (April Parker Jones), is taken as one of the hostages.”

So make sure to stop by tonight between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our S.W.A.T. recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers, and more, here!

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Hondo’s sister Winnie now works in town. One of her casino clients had specially crafted a position for her because he knew she wanted to move back to LA to be near her aging parents and so she now works at Restoration Auction House. Winnie was proud of her position. She thought it was a step up from her last one and she had wanted to show it off. She tried to do so with her father. But her father was being a cantankerous old man. He hated that Black and African American history had been bought and collected by a rich white man who wanted to show it off at a gallery. He hated what he was seeing so much that he refused to stay for the guided tour. He ran off when Winnie’s back was turned.

There was no telling at first if he made it out of the building when everything went down. Winnie was still inside when the alarms went off and the building’s security system shut down the building. It barricaded everyone inside along with the bad guys. The place was being robbed and unfortunately, the thieves rounded up everyone inside. Including Winnie. Winnie got a call out to her brother before she was grabbed and unfortunately, Hondo didn’t answer. Hondo didn’t realize someone was wrong until Hicks called for his team to tell them that the auction house had been hit. And Hondo remembered his sister worked there.

That’s when Hondo checked his phone. He listened to the voicemail and he realized that his sister was trapped in the building. Hicks asked if they wanted to give this to someone if it was too personal, but Hondo said he wanted to stay on the case and the only thing that had stopped him from going in guns blazing was the doors on the building. It was reinforced steel. Hondo’s dad came by. He heard what happened on the news and he felt so bad about how he treated Winnie that he wanted to make sure she was safe. Hondo calmed his father. He reminded the older man that this was his job. He knew what he was doing.

Hondo later got a call from an unknown number that turned out to be his sister. She had borrowed a cell phone from one of her coworkers who snuck in the phone and she got messages out to her brother. She let him know that there was an injured man inside. She also let him know that there were nine hostages inside and what room they were in. It was good intel because it allowed the team to safely use an explosive to get inside and once there they got to the men that were found injured. They tried getting to the rest of the hostages, but that’s when the bad guys pulled a gun on Winnie. Hondo’s team was forced to retreat so that no one gets hurt.

Hondo later gave up command to Deacon. He said he couldn’t be objective during this mission because it’s family that’s involved and so he chose to sit on the sidelines just in case Winnie calls again. The rest of the team however was focused on getting back into the building. They had Hondo create a diversion by calling the gallery. They waited until the leader named Noah answered the phone. Noah was asked why he got involved and he said that he was approached by someone from who he never got their name. All Noah knew was that he was supposed to steal some painting and flee through the underground tunnels.

There was just one hitch-up with that plan. Someone padlocked the door to the underground tunnels and so the bad guys had no way of escaping. Winnie also found herself taking care of a young intern named Julia. Julia was having panic attacks and Winnie did her best to be there for her, but it turns out Julia was in on the robbery. She’s the one who set it up. She did so because she wanted revenge on the gallery that stole her grandmother’s art during WWII and she planned on stealing a diamond necklace worth ten million and it was Winnie who stopped her. Winnie figured it all out.

Winnie warned her brother when he came breaking into the door that Julia couldn’t be trusted. He passed it on to his team and they were later able to arrest her while she was trying to make her escape. The rest of the bad guys were rounded up as well. Those that survived were facing serious time in jail and so their best bet is to turn on their employer.

But Winnie was reunited with her pops who apologized for his boorish behavior earlier. He told his daughter he loves her and that he was proud of her hustle, but it was going to be a long time before they had brought her father to workday again.

