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People Mag: Anna Duggar is not allowed speak to anyone outside of Duggarville

duggar people

You know how we discussed People Magazine’s relationship with the Duggars in an earlier story today? Sources claimed that People ended up playing hardball with the Duggars for last week’s cover story, because the Duggars didn’t want People to make any reference to Josh’s child molestation. People Mag finally said no to the Duggars and wrote a somewhat critical cover story last week, just as all the Ashley Madison stuff was breaking. And now it looks like People has joined In Touch Weekly in the entertainment-media’s takedown of this family. People Magazine is going HAM with multiple stories criticizing Josh and Jim-Bob Duggar in particular. Some highlights:

How the Duggars are feeling in the wake of Josh’s scandals: A Duggar source says, “It’s hurting everyone involved. Everyone feels betrayed.”

What Anna Duggar’s family knew about Josh’s child-molesting past: “We all knew that something had happened, but it definitely wasn’t portrayed in its entirety. Anna did know, but it was kind of something that was swept under the rug, and nobody made a big deal out of it.” Even after Anna’s parents learned the truth, “they still gave their blessing,” says the source, adding, “there was always something a bit odd about Josh.”

On Josh’s moralizing hypocrisy: “He sold it so well,” says the Duggar family source.

Jim Bob “exerts authority over his wife and family”: A family source says, “Jim Bob’s favorite word is ‘no.’ He’s like a dictator. He once saw a guy kissing a girl before marriage and confronted him about it. And the guy said, ‘Jim Bob, show me that verse in the Bible that says we can’t kiss. Get out your Bible.’ And Jim Bob was like, ‘Uhhhh …’ because no one ever confronts Jim Bob. No one….Jim Bob calls the shots. Always has and always will.”

The Duggars are controlling who speaks to Anna: “The scary thing is, I don’t know who is talking to Anna, outside of the people in Duggarville. It’s scary. I don’t know … how she is dealing with this. Aside from Duggarville … no one can get to her.”

The Duggars refuse to discuss sex: “They don’t talk about sex. They don’t talk about sexuality,” says the Duggar family source. Almost entirely cut off from the secular world, the Duggars strictly limited their children’s exposure to popular culture – and the source says that Jim Bob went as far as removing the batteries of any toys that made music “because he didn’t want [his kids] to dance or move their bodies that way.”

The Duggar code word: When someone says “Nike,” it’s the signal that some unclean harlot is walking down the street and “all the boys look straight down to the floor every time. It’s like an automatic military thing. Things like that blow my mind.”

Anna’s not allowed to get mad at Josh: “She doesn’t get mad. You are not allowed to get mad. It’s not godly for a woman. Ever since she met [the Duggars] she has acted more like Michelle. She talks like her, really soft. She, like, whispers.”

[From People Magazine]

This just makes me sad. For me, the veil of seeing Jim-Bob and Michelle Duggar as puppet-masters for their clan really came off when I watched their absolutely awful Fox News interview. These people are profoundly stupid and they’re raising their kids to be scared of normal life. They’ve really twisted everything around out of sheer ignorance and stupidity. And the thought that the Duggars are controlling access to poor Anna? Jesus. But yes, Josh Duggar has always been a pervert and it’s not surprising that the Duggars lied to Anna’s family just so they could get Josh out of the house. This whole thing is just ICK.


Cover courtesy of People Magazine, photos courtesy of Duggars’ Facebook.
